

Quiero recojer aquí los comentarios y notas de mis clientes y de sus experiéncias con mis servicios. Si quiere participar puede hacerlo dejando el suyo aquí abajo.

Gracias, Hugo

8 Replies to “Testimonios”

  1. After a bad experience with a well-known lawyer buffet, we found Hugo on Google. We’ve read all reviews and decided to hire him to help us purchase our first flat in Barcelona. We can’t tell how fortunate we were.

    He guided us through the whole purchase process. He is not only an outstanding lawyer but an excellent person. I can’t recommend him highly enough.

    With his support, buying a flat in Barcelona was a stressless experience! He became our point person for legal advice.


    Después de una mala experiencia con un conocido buffet de abogados, encontramos a Hugo en Google. Leímos todas las críticas y decidimos contratarlo para que nos ayudara a comprar nuestro primer piso en Barcelona. No podemos decir lo afortunados que fuimos.

    Nos guió durante todo el proceso de compra. No sólo es un excelente abogado sino una excelente persona. No puedo recomendarlo lo suficiente.

    Con su ayuda, la compra de un piso en Barcelona fue una experiencia sin estrés. Se convirtió en nuestra persona de referencia para el asesoramiento jurídico.

  2. Testimonial for Hugo Navarette 19/07/2022
    My name is Abbie Nisbet- although better known as Abi Fantastic- An English Artist now living in Spain!
    I have recently been though the whole process of buying my new home in Premia de Mar, on the coast just up
    from Barcelona. I thought and heard from other people that the whole experience of buying property in Spain
    can be a very stressful, taxing and a very frustrating thing. Thanks to Hugo this was not the case!
    Hugo came from a recommendation from a good friend of mine who has used his services in the past- so I
    knew from the beginning I was going to be in safe hands. From the first time we met, Hugo’s attitude and
    persona was relaxed as well as very professional. Just what I needed!
    I am now 33 and this is my first time stepping on the property ladder, so all a bit daunting. The money also
    came from the loss of my Father- my best friend in the world, which made the whole thing a very emotional
    journey for me. Hugo was aware of this and I remember the first contract I signed, Hugo was there with me,
    which made me feel reassured I was signing the right thing- as my Spanish is not the best. I was so elated and
    happy after that first meeting with him and he even said how proud my Father would be of me! Very kind
    indeed. The property is perfect for me- with a lovely big roof terrace I will be building my new Art Studio on.
    When Hugo came to see the property for the first time, he was so excited for me and could see exactly the
    potential I could see, which again made me feel very reassured!
    Of course, at this point I was thinking things were going a bit too smoothly- even though I believed my Father
    was watching over me- making this dream of mine come true! So, as I mentioned I had the money there ready
    and waiting to transfer and pay off the previous owner’s mortgage as well as giving him a nice lump sum! – But
    this caused a bit of a stir with the estate agents and especially the Notary. They questioned where my money
    had come from and just seemed like all round difficult people to deal with. This made me very nervousespecially with the communication barrier. Hugo was there with me every step of the way… to keep me calm,
    translate wherever necessary and help guide me through the process. When it actually came to sitting around
    the table with the previous owner and transferring the money… my hands were shaking and just wanted
    everything to go as smoothly as possible. Of course, it did not. There was a massive delay with my money
    getting across and there seemed to be no proof coming through that the payment had been made. The Notary
    was NOT happy and was saying she may even refuse the sale all together. Hugo was the man of the hour. He
    kept me calm, he kept the Notary calm(ish) and suggested we all go for lunch to take some time and come
    back and see if the money had cleared. I was getting a flight out of Spain the next day so it really had to be that
    day! Thankfully the money did clear but still with no receipt. With thanks so Hugo the Notary let us exchange, I
    was allowed to take my new keys and promise the Notary I would go straight to my bank in the morning
    before heading to the airport to get them to send over the official receipt and proof of payment. This really
    was all thanks to Hugo’s calm persuasion! I would have been very lost in this moment without him!
    Since then, Hugo has kindly helped me with the final bits…. organising the last fees and payments… and I can
    honestly say I now have a new lovely friend in him after all of this!
    I will be highly recommending him to any family and friends who may need his lovely calm, professional
    expertise in the future!
    BIG THANKS Hugo!
    My sincerest gratitude….. Abi Fantastic

  3. I have a problem with a company that has cancelled their services during the COVID19 and refuses to reemburse me. Hugo reviewed the case, discussed the options, options that could be moved by a legal team or by myself. Gave all the support in an accordingly time manner, always helpfull and proactive.

  4. We are an Irish family (living in Cork Ireland) and Mr Hugo Navarrete has represented us and provided us with legal advice and services over the past 3-4 years. I came to know of Mr Navarrete initially, having been directed to the Irish Dept of Foreign Affairs webpage which provides details of reputable lawyers in different jurisdictions. Since then, we have found Mr Navarrete to be extremely supportive, responsive to our requests and a person of great integrity. He communicates with us in fluent English, often translating Spanish or Catalan not just into English, but simple and comprehensible English. We can recommend Mr Navarrete to other potential clients (especially those who do not speak Spanish/Catalan) wholeheartedly and without reservation.

  5. Hugo, un abogado atípico. Muy distinto de los típicos abogados almidonados a los que estamos acostumbrados, dispuesto a ofrecer sus servicios por encima de que se pueda esperar.
    En nuestro caso, un matrimonio de ancianos que se veían obligados a vender su piso de toda la vida, un tercero sin ascensor y comprar un bajo debido a sus problemas de movilidad.
    Nos encontramos con problemas inesperados, como una cédula de habitabilidad equivocada, una herencia confusa en el piso de compra, un banco que quería cobrar una escritura de cancelación que no correspondía…
    Todo ello lo solucionó impecablemente.
    Agradecidos también y sobre todo por el trato exquisito y muy humano que ofreció a mis suegros.
    Un profesional muy recomendable, sin ninguna duda.

    1. Gracias Alfonso, no entiendo la profesión de otra manera. La verdad es que asusta a cualquiera el encontrarse con situaciones que no domina, por eso entiendo la necesidad de encontrar a alguien que te entienda y no solo que quiera ayudar, sino que sapa ayudar. Interesante lo de abogado atípico, porque en mi concepción el título profesional es solo una verificación de la supuesta capacidad técnica, pero nunca una barrera en la que el abogado esté por encima del cliente. El abogado tiene que ser bueno, cercano y accesible; empatizar con el cliente y ver en que le puede ayudar. Gracias por tus palabras, son de mucho agradecer.

  6. Vi kjøpte en leilighet i Barcelona i 2017, den skulle være ferdig i 2019, men det ble den dessverre ikke. Vi valgte da å trekke oss fra kjøpet. Det tok lang tid å få tilbake pengene, men uten Hugo, som er en veldig dyktig og hyggelig advokat, er vi redd vi ikke hadde klart å få tilbake vårt innskudd. Mitt råd er å ikke kjøpe noe i Spania uten advokat. Bruk hjerne Hugo – han er en fin type.

  7. I met Hugo in 2011 through a co-worker for whom he had won a very complicated labor lawsuit. Since then I am counting with his support and consueling in various legal subjets related to labour law and real state law. Over time it is evident to me his great commitment to the causes he represents, his high human values ​​and ability to manage challenges on behalf of his clients. Currently he is still my lawyer.

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