
Obtain NIE Number


The NIE is a personal number given to foreigners so that Spanish administrations can identify them.

Are you buying in Spain and don’t know how to start to obtain an NIE? Make it easy, make it enjoyable.

Don’t want to deal directly with the Spanish bureaucracy, language barrier, times, effort, delays, etc.? I don’t blame you

Why struggle when you can afford to outsource the service? I’d do the same.¡

NIE made it easy. Keep it simple and ask for help, we believe I help you.

We provide a fast and reliable NIE service, and payment is done ONLY once it is obtained.

Please, contact:  hugo.navarrete@gmail.com or +34661886587

For your information, the NIE is a personal number given to foreigners so that Spanish administrations can identify them and corresponds to the initials “numero de identificacion de extranjeros”, or: identity number for foreigners, as well as a Spanish Tax ID Number.

 The application for an NIE can only be made for specific economic, professional, or social interests. When you are notified, you receive a white document and, therefore, it is popularly known as a white NIE.

NIE is mandatory for non-Spanish citizens in order to pay taxes in Spain upon the purchase or inheritance of a property or to incorporate a company.